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Encounter with Indian Paradise Flycatcher

It’s being a month since I had taken a break from daily life to breathe. Yes, I do breathe like normal people but for me it’s spending some time in the midst of nature. Also saw in FB that Rabindra Sarobar, an green adobe in the midst of the city has a special guest, Ultramarine Flycatcher. So decided to spend the Saturday morning there.

On Saturday, found quite a few birders in the park, everyone searching for the UFC. There was simply no activity of any bird, leave alone UFC. At around 8:30 am, the park started bustling with bird activity and though we could not get the UFC but sighted Brown-breasted Flycatcher, Blue-throated blue flycatcher, Taiga Flycatcher,, a warbler mostly Greenish, Orange-headed Thrush, Lineated Barbet, Black-naped Monarch female and spotted owlets in a day. I was also blessed with okay shots of these birds.

As the authorities rang the bell to vacant the lion safari park, I came out and called my husband who was sitting somewhere in the park while I was birding. He came and asked “IPF pele?(Did you get IPF?)” .I said – “ Naah, aaj o pelam naah !!! ( No, didn’t get that today also!!!). I got so many birds in a day but still no shots of IPF., Indian paradise Flycatcher In fact till date I have sighted it but have no single shot. And then we started walking towards the lake.

Suddenly my husband said-“ Oyi je IPF( there is IF)” . I was not sure if he knows how the bird looks but on looking at the bird, I was grateful to Abhishek that he follows bird photos in fb in some groups and some of my friends.

And this made my day !!!

Indian Paradise Flycatcher with a catch, Rabindra Sarobar, 14th Mar 2020

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